TABC Prayer List as of August 16, 2024
Following is a list of individuals associated with our church who are currently in the hospital. For more information on others, or any of these listings, please call the church office:
Johnny Greene
William Lemarr
Axel Shipplett
Please pray for the families of the following during their time of bereavement:
Tom Minor
Others in Need of Prayer
For more information on any of these listings, please call the church office.
Ray Allen
Doug Altizer
Mick Beal
Beulah Beavers
Larry Beavers
Tim Beavers
Mike Blair
Ron Blacklock
Randy Blackwell
Brian Blankenship
Ben Boingeanu
Clarence & Melba Booher
Sherrie Bowes
Debbie Boyd
Don Brown
Charles Brush
Mike Brunette
David & Joan Calhoun
Junior Campbell
Robert “Hambone” Carrier
Tammy Carter
April Casaday
Roland Chilton
Hal Cole
Pastor Joey & Alyson Cole
Randy & Theresa Cole
Jan Combs
Meredith Corvin
Gerald Cox
James Davis
Dennis Deese
Linda Douberly
Bea Fleenor
Patsy Gillett
Bettye Gilreath
Larry Gorley
Chloe Greene
Dr. Wiley Greene
Keith & Helen Grindstaff
Ruth Hagaman
Daniel Hagy
Gary Hayden
Anne Haynes
Tim Henry
Saundra Hillman
Raye Ann Hudson
Stephen & Jeannine Huff
Bob Humphrey
Tommy Hutchins
Dennis & Kim Hutton
Paisley Jackson
Charlotte James
Jerry & Celesta Jenkins
Peggy Jenkins
Jody Keys
Ricky Leftwich
Danny Lemarr
Randy & Mary Jo Leonard
Willetta Leonard
Danny & Bobbie Lewis
Jane Lippo
Kimberly Martin
Clara Melvin
Joe & Janice Milhorn
Justin Millard
Sara Millard
Lewis & Nancy Moody
James Morgan
Larry & Patsy Morton
Reid Nail
Lois Nixon
Kathy Owens
Donnie Patrick
Charlie Pearman
Jane Perry
Kent Peters
Ray Peters
Yvonne Phillips
Jimmy Phipps
Katherine Phipps
Michael Powers
Wayne & Vicky Ramsey
Bonnie Rein
Donald Rhoten
Johnny & Dedi Rickman
Julie Rikard
Payton Rolen
Chris Rosenbalm
Don & Sylvia Rowland
Tootie Rutherford
Benjamin Salyer
Kathy Sharp
Nancy Simcox
Todd Slusher
Sandy Smallwood
Betty Smith
David Smith
Charlotte Spencer
Portia Stanley
Jerry Stanton
Matt Stewart
Paula Stigall
Alice Thompson
Twig & Robin Townsend
Luxe Trivett
Rob & Patti Trivett
Roscoe Trivett
J D Vance
Meghan Vest
Jerry & Margie Wallace
Janet Ware
Donna Watson
Brenda Wheeler
Healthcare Facility
Bonnie Abel
Estel Boggs
Linda Cooper
Dick Gordon
Becky Graybeal
Celesta Kirk
Millie Norstrom
Jeff & Gail O’Dell
Helen Raymond
Gene Schmidt
Arvell Vance
Paul Whisman
Wendy Barbrey
Nettie Barker
Randy Braswell
Jess Carter
Adron Cox
Bob Davidson
Doris Gordon
Wayne & Ruth Harmon
Dorothy Hutchins
Jewel Hutton
Shirley Jenkins
Don Johnson
Yogi Keeling
Robert “Bob” Murphy
Russell Peters
Morris Phillips
David Price
Kenny & Peggy Price
Jim Rush, Sr
Mildred “Evelyn” Shipley
Rachel Smith
Todd Smith
Robyn Sproles
Joan “Marie” Stevens
Sandee Tallman
Judy Watkins
Tom & Betty Woosley
Patti Wright
Anthony Booher
Brycen Burnette
Ethan Carrier
Luke Gent
Jasmine Haynes
Taylor Moody
Isaac Simerly
Lori Simerly
Steven Smith